
A series of practical tutorials for managing Open Research Data and adhere as much as possible to the FAIR principles. Our tutorials provide guidelines, step-by-step instructions, examples and code to facilitate the following components of data curation.

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The dendrogram below shows a content summary. Use the left side bar to go to the different tutorials or scroll down and use the table below.

Title Subtitle
Gitlab Tutorial 1. Step-by-Step Guide to Git and Gitlab Using a UZH Gitlab repository for project owners and collaborators
Gitlab Tutorial 2. Create and Update a Data Index A workflow to use Gitlab pages as an open data Index
Gitlab Tutorial 3. Continuous Integration (CI) Additional details on basic customization of CI pipelines
Gitlab workflows Showcasing different scenarios
Metadata: making JSON files In this use case we read the JSON fields from a table and create JSON files with generic and file-specific information
Metadata: tables General tips on making better human and machine-readable tabular metadata
Website Tutorial using R, Quarto and Gitlab Pages Share data, code and dynamic reports in an easy-to-build website
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