Swiss Research Data Support Network
On 17 April, we will have a SRDSN meeting in Bern where this and other RDM initiatives will be presented. This event is open to anyone.
Initiative from Swiss Research Data Support Network
Forwarded message from the organizers:
This year’s spring meeting of the Swiss Research Data Support Network (SRDSN) is just around the corner.
In this pdf you will find the program for our event on April 17. In the morning, we will again have many exciting contributions from our community and in the afternoon, you will find out where the swissuniversities project (SRDSN) stands and what has happened in the last few months. In addition, you will have the opportunity to give your feedback and input during two breakout sessions on various topics such as the planned website. As the program item in the afternoon is intended to be as interactive as possible, it will only take place on site. However, anyone who is unable to travel to Bern will have the opportunity to submit their feedback in writing after the event.
- We will start at 9.00 a.m. with Coffee & Croissants for those on-site. The actual program starts at 9:15 a.m. and will last until approx. 16:10 p.m.
To ensure that we have enough croissants for everyone, we kindly ask all those participating on-site to register for the morning program, lunch and / or the afternoon program via the following Nuudel until 5 April. Please note that lunch is at the expense of the participants.
Link: Registration for on-site participation
Please be aware that registration is binding. It is not necessary to register for the online participation in the morning session.
If you come to Bern in person:
Location: The meeting takes place at the university’s main building (Hochschulstrasse 4, 3012 Bern), in the Kuppelsaal, 5th floor, accessible via stairs or lift (you have to change lifts – it is an old building 😊). It is the same room as for our last meeting.
For More information on the location, see this link or contact me before the meeting.
If you join us virtually in the morning:
Meeting-ID: 668 8958 1759
Kenncode: 106867
Further information:
SRDSN Zenodo Community for open publications:
Don’t forget to register 😊